Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin Fundraiser

It’s summertime and our school is closed for the summer break. All our lucky weekly winners over the summer will receive their prize when our school re-opens. If you are really lucky and win our Jackpot, then we will be in touch. 


We thank you all for your support, as it is making a real difference.


Enjoy the summer holidays!




Fáilte chuig crannchur tiomsaithe airgid Ghaelscoil Uí Earcáin. Déanfar an t-airgead a bhaileofar ón tionscnamh tiomsaithe airgid seo a infheistiú i dtrealamh oideachais chun tacú le hoideachas do pháistí. Scaip an scéal i measc clann agus cairde le bhur dtoil. Mura nglacfaidh tú páirt ní féidir leat buachan! Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh!

Tá súil againn go dtugann an rogha seachtainiúil €2.50 in aghaidh an líne nó €5 ar 3 líne deis do gach duine páirt a ghlacadh.

Welcome to the Gaelscoil Uí Earcáin fundraiser lotto. This is a fundraising initiative and all the money raised will be used to directly support your children's education. Please pass the word on and invite friends and family. If you’re not in you can’t win! Good luck!

We hope that the €2.50 per line or €5 for 3 lines will allow everyone to contribute.


Go raibh maith agaibh!

Leah Ní Mhaoláin, Príomhoide & Coiste na dTuistí




Last Draw

  • 6
  • 7
  • 16
  • 18

See how you

Thank you

Last Draw


Not won

Weekly Winner

Leah Ni Mhaolain
18 Jul 2024
10 11 12 20
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Leah Ni Mhaolain
11 Jul 2024
2 8 13 19
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Richard O Coisdealbha
4 Jul 2024
12 13 17 19
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Elaine O Neill

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