Parish of St. Vincent de Paul Marino Fundraiser

Welcome to the St. Vincent de Paul Marino Parish lotto. Our church is the centre point of so many of the significant dates in our lives, that they are part of who we are. This is a fundraising initiative to help maintain the fabric of our church which is much loved and holds precious memories for so many people. It will also help to ensure that our Parish can continue to be an active, warm-hearted, and vibrant Faith community.


We hope that the weekly option of 1 line for €2.50 will allow everybody to contribute. Please pass the word on and invite friends and family.


It would be hugely appreciated if you can contribute €5 for 3 lines, and you never know you might just win!


Thank you so much.


Fr. Tom and the Parish Team




Last Draw

  • 6
  • 7
  • 16
  • 18

See how you

Thank you

Last Draw


Not won

Weekly Winner

Damien Warren
18 Jul 2024
10 11 12 20
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Valerie Mulligan
11 Jul 2024
2 8 13 19
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Elaine Donnelly
4 Jul 2024
12 13 17 19
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Heather O Byrne

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