Ballylanders Parish Fundraiser

Welcome to the Ballylanders Parish Fundraiser. I am delighted with the support shown for our parish fundraiser. The money raised goes directly into our parish and is a way of supplementing our parish income into the future. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please invite your friends, neighbours, and family to take part. We hope that the €2 per line option will allow everybody to contribute.


 If you can contribute €5 for 3 lines it would be hugely appreciated and you never know you might just win!



Fr. Thomas Breen - Parish Priest




Last Draw

  • 6
  • 7
  • 16
  • 18

See how you

Thank you

Last Draw


Not won

Weekly Winner

Thomas Breen
18 Jul 2024
10 11 12 20
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Marian Walsh
11 Jul 2024
2 8 13 19
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Billy Walsh
4 Jul 2024
12 13 17 19
Not Won
Weekly Winner: Madge Dwyer

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