Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you
There are many exciting projects and initiatives that Scoil Eoin would like to engage in, but often, it is the school budget that decides. Here are some of the things your support will make possible.
1. Yard and Play Areas – We hope to update our outdoor play areas at the front and back of the school building. This could include repainting the yard, outdoor play kitchen, and outdoor soft play area etc.
2. Well-being Resources – Our school has placed a great focus on the well-being of our students. We hope to create a well-being space within our school, an outdoor sensory path and new well-being resources to further promote positive well-being.

3. Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths – Because we know many of our students will work in jobs that use technology that does not even exist today, we want to have the most updated technology for our students.
4. Reading Books – We plan to renew our school library with fresh, new library books to encourage our children to read for fun. This funding could also allow us to replace some of our leveled class readers.

All this work can only be done with your generous support. Keep returning to this site as we update you on progress made with your support!
We hope that the weekly option of €2 per line will allow everybody to contribute.
If you can contribute €5 for 3 lines it would be hugely appreciated and you never know you might just win!
Best of luck!
Gail Fox – Principal and the PA