Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you
Welcome to the Presentation Secondary School Clonmel Lotto. This is a fundraising initiative and the monies raised will go to support our new Floodlighted All-Weather Pitch. This is a fantastic opportunity for our school to upgrade the facilities. This upgrade will provide top class facilities for our school, Clonmel Hockey Club and other sporting organisations in the community of Clonmel.
We would really ask for your support with this exciting project and we will keep you updated about our progress so you can see the positive benefit of your support.

We hope that the weekly option of €2.50 per line will allow everybody to contribute. Please pass the word on and invite friends and family.
If you can contribute €5 for 3 lines it would be hugely appreciated and you never know you might just win!
Best of luck!
Michael O’Loughlin, Principal