Fáilte chuig lató Gaelscoil Longfoirt. Déanfar an t-airgead a bhaileofar ón tionscnamh tiomsaithe airgid seo a infheistiú i dtrealamh oideachais chun tacú le hoideachas do pháiste. Scaip an scéal i measc clann agus cairde le bhur dtoil. Bí linn, chun buachan! Tá súil againn go ligfidh an rogha seachtainiúil €2.50 in aghaidh an líne do gach duine páirt a ghlacadh.
Welcome to the Gaelscoil Longfoirt fundraiser lotto. This is a fundraising initiative and all the money raised will be used to directly support your children's education. Please pass the word on and invite friends and family. If you are not in, you can’t win! We hope that the €2.50 per line will allow everyone to contribute.
It would be hugely appreciated if you can contribute €5 for 3 lines, and you never know you might just win!
Go raibh maith agat!
Andrée Nic Aonghusa, Príomhoide & Cairde na Scoile
30 Jan 2025
3 7 12 20
Jackpot: |
Not Won
Weekly Winner: | Margaret Murphy |
23 Jan 2025
9 17 18 19
Jackpot: |
Not Won
Weekly Winner: | Emma Conway |
16 Jan 2025
3 4 13 21
Jackpot: |
Not Won
Weekly Winner: | Amy Hendricks |