Currabaggan NS Fundraiser

Your contribution makes a big difference! Thank you


There are many exciting projects and initiatives that Currabaggan School would like to engage in, but, often, it is the school budget that decides what we can or cannot do.

The Field
Improving our football pitch is one of the biggest of these projects paid for by your involvement in our fundraising. We intend to flatten and level our field, fill up the lower area that slopes down into the neighbouring drain, get rid of the concrete area, remove all the stones and improve all the manhole covers.

In the long-term we are looking to buy a bigger and better field, we will someday!


Computers and I.T.
We have improved our I.T. equipment a great deal in the last year or two and invested in new laptops for all our teachers and chromebooks (mini laptops) so that in any one class, every student has their own device when we are working online. We have doubled our number of chromebooks to over 30 for this.


We have also developed our capacity for online learning. All our students and staff have their own email and everyone is part of a class ‘Team’ on Microsoft so we can continue teaching and learning either at school or at home. We have also subscriptions to various websites which enhances and complements our work in the classroom. Our fundraising helps us to subsidise some of the costs of this, so that parents are not charged the whole amount.


New logo


Our next plan is a modern name or sign at the front gable of the school, similar to those you see on renovated or newly-built schools. We hope to put our name and logo on the sign, similar in many ways to our logo on the school tracksuit, or perhaps in bold lettering, or both.